Sean Riley
Chief Executive Officer
Set the pace! Take care of our people and they’ll take care of our guests!

My father never graduated from high school, but he was such a smart man. He said if you help enough people get what they need, you will be successful.
I learned that giving to the community was important at all levels of life. He taught me that no matter how much education you had or how smart you were, attitude and hard work would determine your destiny.
My mother taught me that unconditional love and respect are what makes us successful in life. Mom and Dad believed that there had to be fun infused in every aspect of life. Guess you can see where my sense of humor started!
I look at Maine Course values and have to thank Mom and Dad for their influence. Integrity, respect, fun and family – the MCHG purpose is to positively impact lives.
My whole family is part of Maine Course. I am proud that they espouse the same values.
My upbringing lead me to Maine Course. I call every shift at every hotel on Christmas and Thanksgiving.
I deliver popsicles on hot days to hotels. And I call night auditors on a regular basis at 4 a.m.
Crazy? Yes! Fun? Yes…but that’s me!!! And that’s Maine Course!