How many of us Boomers say things like…. “They don’t make employees like the old days. Work ethic is gone with Millennials. All kids do is look at their phones and don’t welcome customers.” Sound familiar? Well, in some cases this may be true. But I want to show you how millennials changed my mind in the last few days!

Millennial #1: Melanie, at Starbucks, greeted me at 6 AM with a huge smile and jovial greeting. She asked what I was doing in the area and I told her I was at a conference. She was efficient, asked the name of the person I was with, and used his name, too. The next Day Melanie saw me and said Hi Sean, great to see you again. How is the conference going? Where is Jonathan, is coming to coffee this morning? Would you like your tall dark roast?
Blew My Mind away.

Millennial # 2: Marina was our server at Olive Garden. “She started with a huge smile and welcome. I said “You’re happy” and she said “Can I tell you why?” “Sure”. “I was on my way to work this morning and I got a flat. I took care of it and am just so excited to be here at work now.” Not a usual take on a flat tire. She continued with her bubbly self, was efficient, sincere, and made our day!
Blew my mind away again!
So Sean, the Boomer, started paying attention to service without being tainted by the press, others comments from boomers and on social media. Guess what? I have had 3 other great service stories since then, and each time I have told them I appreciate their smile, service, and caring demeanor. Each time it was teaching moment for me and learning moment for them.
I am taking on the Millennial challenge. Let’s all look for the good ones and encourage them. We need them in our next phase of life and business!
Thank you to all the Great Millennials in the service industry!
We love you and need you!